Thursday, November 4, 2010


Something about Autumn brings out the nostalgia in me. It's a feeling that I can't describe, sorta flows over me from top to bottom, leaving a warm feeling that would be a soft glow if feelings had color. The rich hues that encompass the landscape somehow bring back memories from what seems like yesterday, but upon further review disclose that they actually are from many years ago. I go through this emotion every year at this time,...sort of a happy/sad kind of thing. What ignited it this year was a drive by the grade school that all the grands had attended, but were now happily promoted to middle and high schools. Those days are gone...but I remind myself that 3 year old Finn will be providing unlimited opportunities to live those things over again, so with fresh eyes and a heart full of pride I will once again answer the call to yet another round of music, laughter and fun!

I came home, fixed myself a cup of tea to ward off the chill of this crisp, windy fall day, and sat sipping quietly, my mind running wildly to years long ago. I started dating Dennis in the fall. He had a motorcycle. That thing scared the wits out of me, but he convinced me that a ride through the countryside on that beautiful, warm fall day would show me that it could be more fun than terrifying! He was right. Thus began a courtship whipping through the vineyards and orchard roads around our hometown. Yes, that 'glowing' feeling began right there. It has remained ever since. As I rake the falling leaves, take a walk crunching the dry foliage under my feet, hear a motorcyle in the distance, prepare the home for a long 'winters nap', I am reminded of the many years we spent together, the memories we shared, the love for our grandchildren, the joy seeing our grown children applying the values we tried to give them and succeeding quite nicely I might add, all the while absorbing that 'fall feeling' that brings both melancholy and warm happy feelings.

At this age I have accumulated many, many memories. Family ones are the best, the richest, the most heartwarming. Yes, there will be more memories to come, more wonderful adventures to participate in, more anticipation toward my granchildren's life choices, .....more love. My life is not never was, but God gave me exactly what I was supposed to have for as long as I was supposed to have it and for that I am grateful. If life was perfect I would not be alone, I would have more time with my family, I wouldn't live so far from my son and his family, there wouldn't be sadness or hardship for my loved ones, our health would be good, and on and on....but thats not 'real' life now is it. So I take what my precious Lord an Savior gives me, I cherish my memories, I look forward to whatever He has planned for my future and give Him praise and honor for all He as given me. Now that's life!


  1. Mom, thanks for taking me back to the days of you and dad on that motorcycle in the fall....I can only imagine :) This time of year I fondly remember my dad, getting ready for the hunting trips weeks before departure, I can almost smell the scent of hunting gear. Lets make more memories and cherish the old.

  2. I wish we were all closer together as well. I dream of having large family dinners and spending every Holiday together, but life isn't fair is it. I relish the memories and pray we can make more in the future. Hunting without Dad is just not the same. Jon

  3. Claudia, this time of year brings many memories of Sam and his love of hunting season. The house would be full, but immediately after eating our Thanksgiving meal. he and Rodney would throw their gear into the trucks and head off to the deer camp. They were like two kids, so excited to be going. I too have many memories and this time of year brings them all back to mind...
